The City’s Downtown Sarasota Economic Development Reports have identified over 3,200 residential units planned or under construction which will represent an increase in over 5,000 downtown residents. A majority of the large residential developments are in the Rosemary District. Many of these large developments are also significantly reducing the existing tree canopy in the Rosemary District; so greenspace needs to be preserved and enhanced. With this rapid growth of development in and near the Rosemary District, it is imperative that the City take action now to identify and make plans for eventual implementation of Pocket Parks to better serve the current and future residents and visitors of the Rosemary District and surrounding areas. Addition of these pocket parks will increase the attractiveness and livability of the Rosemary neighborhood, and make the streets and sidewalks more walkable for people living in the district and those walking through the district. The DSCA Greenspace Committee has initially identified ten locations that should be explored as possible sites for future pocket parks.
As a follow-on to the DSCA 2016 Pocket Parks in Rosemary District Proposal, the Rosemary District Association launched a Grassroots Planning Initiative. The Planning Initiative includes several goals and actions under Guiding Principle #6. Enhance the Presence of Nature in the District through the addition of neighborhood and pocket parks, and enhanced landscaping in the streets and sidewalks. You can review the proposed actions under Goal 1: Think Creatively to Identify Opportunities to Create 3-4 Small Parks within the Rosemary District. in the October 25, 2017 presentation.
Download the original May 2016 DSCA Proposal for Pocket Parks in Rosemary District