US 41/Gulfstream Roundabout and Gap Stormwater Project Narrative
The FDOT Temporary Traffic Control Plan (TTCP) is to build temporary diversions (bypass roads – purple areas on exhibit) through a portion of existing parking along Bayfront Park Drive and a portion east of US 41 at Gulfstream Avenue to handle traffic while the roundabout is under construction. This should reduce delays and shorten the overall construction time of the project. Included, please find descriptions and images of the various phases of the TTCP.
More information on the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) US 41 at Gulfstream Roundabout project here:
Pre-Phase – (approximately 92 construction days)
In the Pre Phase (approx. 92 construction days), traffic will flow normally with some minor work as noted in the hatched red areas on the exhibit. This work includes some short duration lane closures for placing temporary pavement, temporary signals and minor drainage. This will also include the closure of Gulfstream Avenue on the east of US 41 (one-way into the city). The main intent of this phase is to construct the temporary diversions (bypass roads) for use in phases IA, IB and IIA. Overall this phase has very little impact to the existing traffic pattern.
Phase IA – (approximately 107 construction days)
In Phase IA (approx. 107 construction days) traffic moves to the temporary diversions (bypass roads). This is expected to occur in mid-April (after Easter). Please note that traffic on and off the Keys can access Northbound and Southbound US 41, however, no traffic on US 41 will be able to proceed Northbound or Southbound (no through traffic will be allowed). All US 41 Northbound and Southbound through traffic will be directed to use US 301. Traffic can enter downtown at Main Street and Palm Avenue with a right in only, access to US 41 from Main St is closed during this Phase and remains closed until Phase IIB. 1st Street and 2nd Street will be right in and right out as in the existing condition. Ritz Carlton Drive is also a right in and right out as in the existing condition except for short term closures for construction within the intersection itself. Gulfstream Avenue access into downtown will be reopen during this phase and remain open through the remainder of construction. West bound access to Golden Gate Point from the Southbound US 41 will require a detour via a U-turn at Bird Key Dr. Traffic coming from the Northbound US 41 will be able to turn onto Golden Gate Point using the existing left turn lane.
Phase IB (approximately 57 construction days)
In Phase IB (approx. 57 construction days) Southbound US 41 traffic to the islands moves to the west side of US 41. All other traffic patterns remain the same.
Phase IIA (approximately 91 construction days)
In phase IIA (approx. 91 construction days) Northbound US 41 traffic from the Keys transitions to the newly constructed roundabout. Access to and from downtown at Palm Avenue, 1st Street and 2nd Street is closed. These closures will help shorten the construction time during this Phase. Each access may reopen as construction proceeds through the corridor, thus full closures at Palm Avenue, 1st Street and 2ndStreet may not require the full Phase IIA construction time before reopening. All other traffic patterns remain the same.
Phase IIB (approximately 103 construction days)
In Phase IIB (approx. 103 construction days) the roundabout is fully functional and traffic shifts to new permanent configuration except along the south side of Gulfstream Ave. and for median work on US 41. This work will include some short duration lane closures.