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One of the most thorny issues facing Boards and management are inquisitive and disruptive owners. The Florida Condo and HOA Acts allow owners to request and access records, speak on agenda items at board meetings, and record board meetings. In addition, the Condo Act allows owners to make written inquiries to the Board, which inquires must be responded to. There are limitations and controls, however, which can be implemented. On-line assaults by owners are more difficult to navigate. Physical confrontations have occurred, which may require police involvement or court action. In this Smart Board segment, the firm’s attorneys will address how best to meet statutory requirements and discuss best practices for dealing with owner disruption of association governance and operation.
To register for this event, please contact:
Michelle Colburn
Tannenbaum Lemole & Hill
The Downtown Sarasota Condominium Association (DSCA) is the designated neighborhood organization to represent the interests of the condominium associations, townhomes, apartments and their residents, that are within the greater Downtown Sarasota.
EMAIL: downtownsarasotacondoassoc@gmail.com PHONE: 941-404-8005